Suffering From Back & Neck Pain After a Car Accident? Try These Tips

Neck Pain After a Car Accident

If you’re suffering from back and neck pain after a car accident, you’re not alone. Car accidents can happen anywhere, one moment you’re sitting at a red light, minding your own business, the next minute you get rear ended and you realize you’ve just been in a car crash!

Often, it doesn’t seem like much more than just a minor car accident. You may have noticed a little soreness afterwards, yet many times a person can be so hyped up from the shock of it all that you may not have felt anything. – At that moment.

Often the police will be called to make a report and an ambulance will come to the scene to evaluate the victims. It’s not unusual for a person to tell the medics they feel fine, but then a week or two later you start to feel the onset of the pain.

Let’s discuss what injuries can happen from low-speed rear impact collisions and that a delay in the onset of symptoms is not unusual.

What Causes Back & Neck Pain After a Car Accident?

Most people’s heads weigh between 10 and 12 pounds. The force of energy that is created when one vehicle strikes another can be transferred into the spine and neck of the occupant. This force into the spine can whip the head forward and backward causing trauma and damage to the tendons, ligaments, discs and bones of the neck.

This same force that affects the neck can also be transferred to the spine and cause compression of the vertebrae pinching the discs as well as damaging tendons, ligaments, and bones in the other regions of the spine.

What Can I Expect After a Car Accident?

If you experienced pain and symptoms immediately after the car crash, you should go to the ER and be evaluated. However, many people do not feel pain or issues immediately after a collision but after a few days or even a few weeks pain starts to kick in. Some people may think that a delayed onset of symptoms from a car crash is unusual, whereas it’s actually very common. The symptoms of pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, back, and arms may take several days or weeks to present after the incident. Symptoms can be severe, including dizziness, headaches, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. 

If left untreated, immediate or delayed spinal injuries can lead to chronic pain or disability. Seeking treatment from a chiropractor who is knowledgeable in these types of injuries is highly recommended for those who have been involved in an accident and are experiencing any of these symptoms.

  • Jaw pain (called temporomandibular joint disorder)
  • Low back pain
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Fatigue or difficulty sleeping
  • Cognitive issues such as difficulty concentrating or memory problems

Signs of a Neck Injury

  • Neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Swelling or bruising in the neck area
  • Limited range of motion in the neck
  • Pain when moving your head from side to side or up and down
  • Tenderness in the neck muscles
  • Referral of pain, numbness, or tingling to arms/hands
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Shoulder pain, stiffness, or tenderness

Signs of a back injury

  • Lower back pain
  • Tightness or limited range of motion of lower back
  • Swelling or bruising in the spine
  • Hip or leg pain
  • Referral of pain, numbness, or tingling to legs/knees/feet

Signs of a Concussion

Under most circumstances, a concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head. However, the head does not need to physically strike an object. The force of the skull and neck whipping back and forth can cause the brain to slip and slam into the skull from the inside. Often with no external signs of damage.

A person may start to develop signs and symptoms of a concussion which include confusion, memory loss, headache, nausea, and dizziness. You should seek chiropractic attention immediately if you have experienced any of these symptoms after a car accident.

Caring for Neck & Back Pain at Home

There are several ways to care for spinal injuries at home. First, it is important to rest and avoid activities that can worsen the injury. It is also beneficial to apply ice therapy over the injured area for 15-20 minutes several times a day.

Additionally, regular stretching can help reduce pain and improve the range of motion. Since Dr. Jon Heyer is a holistic physician, he often recommends and prefers natural products for reducing swelling and inflammation instead of over-the-counter medications.

Sleeping with Neck and Back Pain

Sleeping with a spinal injury can be difficult and uncomfortable. It is important to ensure that your sleeping position provides support, comfort, and pain relief. Try using pillows or a rolled-up towel to provide extra neck support while lying down. Avoid any positions that require you to twist or turn your head, as these movements may worsen your injury.

Additionally, it is beneficial to use an adjustable bed frame or mattress that allows you to recline the headboard at a comfortable angle. Lastly, try sleeping in a recliner chair for additional neck support and greater comfort. 

How to Treat Back and Neck Pain from Car Accidents

If you are experiencing neck and/or back pain after an accident, it’s important to seek attention immediately. The doctor who is best suited to evaluate and give proper treatment for issues from car crashes is a chiropractor that has knowledge and experience treating these types of injuries. 

Dr. Jon K Heyer, D.C., from Holistic Health & Chiropractic of Frankfort in Frankfort Illinois is such a doctor. He has an extensive amount of post graduate training in understanding, evaluating and treating injuries of the neck and spine from rear impact collisions.

In fact, chiropractors have a specific education pertaining to injuries of the spine and the musculoskeletal system that most other doctors do not.

Once you have been properly evaluated, a treatment plan will be designed for your specific needs. Treatment options may include

  • Chiropractic care
  • Rest
  • Ice
  • Modalities (such as ultrasound or electric muscle stimulation)
  • In office rehabilitation exercises
  • Acupuncture
  • Cold laser
  • Massage therapy

Seeking treatment from the proper type of professional is key to a successful recovery from spinal injuries and other issues associated with car crash collisions.

Co-management of Spinal Injuries

There are times when a patient needs help beyond a conservative approach and if needed, Dr Heyer may recommend co-management of an individual’s case with a Medical Doctor or surgeon.

These types of doctors may suggest.

  • Injections: Corticosteroids injections or anesthetic medications may help to reduce pain and inflammation in the neck.
  • Muscle relaxants: Muscle relaxants may be prescribed to help reduce pain and ease muscle spasms.
  • Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be required to repair damaged tissues in the neck or spine.

Despite proper treatment, some people may experience long-term spinal symptoms. If this is the case for you, Dr. Heyer can effectively communicate your situation to an attorney to represent your circumstances.

Developing Chronic Back & Neck Pain from Car Accidents

In some cases, untreated neck and back issues can develop into a chronic condition. Chronic spinal pain occurs when the areas do not heal properly due to misalignment of the vertebrae or inadequate treatment. Chronic, uncorrected spinal injuries can lead to long-term pain and discomfort in the neck and other body areas. If you experience persistent symptoms after an accident, seeking chiropractic care and getting properly assessed and diagnosed is important.

It is strongly advised never to overlook the potential for injury just because someone has been in a minor car crash. Pain and injuries in the neck and back as well as concussions are very real possibilities.

If you or someone you know has experienced any of these symptoms, call Dr. Jon K. Heyer, D.C., at Holistic Health & Chiropractic of Frankfort, IL NOW to schedule an evaluation today! (815) 469-7472

How long does back and neck pain after a car accident last?

Most soft tissue injuries or strains/sprains will heal in 4-6 weeks. However, if the injury does not heal correctly or proper treatment for the injury is delayed, spinal pain may last for up to one year.

My symptoms didn’t start until weeks after the car accident, is this normal?

Yes. It is very common for symptoms and pain to take days or even several weeks to develop. It’s important to seek chiropractic intervention as soon as possible.

What is the best type of doctor/provider to help me with injuries after a car accident?

Provided your injuries are not life-threatening, a chiropractor trained and knowledgeable in the mechanics of car collisions and the effects they have on the spine would be the best provider to seek treatment.

Do I need an attorney?

Many people assume that they need an attorney after a car crash because of all the television commercials telling them they do. In many cases, getting an attorney can complicate what would have been a simple and straightforward situation and, instead, make the other party’s insurance company become combative.

At Holistic Health & Chiropractic of Frankfort, we take great pride in providing the finest chiropractic wellness care to our patients. Our Frankfort chiropractic care clinic can help today! Call us to schedule an appointment at: (815) 469-7472

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